MEMBERS from around the country have been sending in their responses to the survey which we enclosed with the Spring issue of Being Alongside magazine.
The survey consisted of 14 questions, including how members first heard of our organisation; why they chose to support us; what they thought of our magazine and website; how they thought we should promote ourselves; and where we should concentrate our efforts.
On average, people ticked between two and three reasons for becoming a supporter. About half chose the first three options: “For my own wellbeing”, “Experienced mental ill health myself” and “Family members who have experiencedmental illness”. One-third indicated that they were carers.
Other factors included the work members do; the link between mental health and spirituality; and bringing together carers and sufferers. People heard about BA/APCMH via many sources: 14% were via their church and 20% via friends or their profession. Other sources mentioned were Christian Advert magazine, Guild of Health, CRE, Rethink, Diocesan Directory, a Jean Vanier talk, Open Door, APCMH branches, libraries and colleges.
Appreciation of the magazine was widespread, with 88% saying that they valued receiving and reading it highly, and only 7% saying that they didn’t read it. Lots of useful comments were made regarding the organisation as a whole and how we could promote ourselves more effectively. A selection of these is reproduced opposite.
Trustee Nick Cotton, who has been collating the survey results, says: “We’re very grateful to everyone who took the trouble to complete the survey, and would welcome any more that haven’t been returned yet, so if you haven’t filled it in, please do! Every comment will be read and valued.”