Launch of grant scheme for local projects

Being Alongside is pleased to announce the launch of a scheme to offer direct financial support to churches and other organisations looking to set up initiatives to help people experiencing mental health difficulties.

Being Alongside’s trustees have agreed to give away up to £20,000 over the next two years, with the aim of expanding the number of drop-in café style projects and befriending schemes across the country.

Local organisers within the UK are invited to submit applications for up to £2,000 to support the establishment of such projects, to help cover the costs of expenses like room hire, publicity and refreshments.

The grants could also be used to fund research into the needs of the local area, and how those with poor mental health could be best reached.

The trustees recognise that £2,000 is not a huge amount of money, but our hope is that it may make all the difference in getting a project off the ground – particularly if it can be match funded by other sources.

The two project types – befriending schemes which match those experiencing poor mental help with a volunteer who meets with them on a regular basis; and drop-in café style projects which provide a safe and reliable space for people to come together – have been selected as the primary focus of the grants, given the success of these projects elsewhere and Being Alongside’s ability to provide practical advice to those looking to set up such initiatives.

Projects based in any part of the United Kingdom interested in applying for funding are invited to submit an application by completing the simple form below, and submitting it to our Administrator via the address given on the form. The form includes guidance notes explaining what information the trustees are seeking to understand when considering applications.

Applications will be considered by a sub-committee of trustees on a quarterly basis, and we will keep applicants updated on progress. We will then seek to stay in touch with the projects to which we award a grant, to offer wider support drawing on the experiences of our branches and affiliates.

Potential applicants with any queries about the scheme are encouraged to contact our Administrator, Lucy Roose.